Use Of Computer Animation

Use of Computer Animation:

Initially when animations started with paper (2D Animation), people had a perception that it was restricted to only drawing and cartoons. As the industry matured with computers being introduced, the perception changed to flashy, photo-realistic or cartoonish productions for web games, movies, video games etc.

Today, animation has convinced professionals from various fields that it should not be restricted to a skill set, but should be used as a medium of expression or communication. For instance, when you use animation in education, it can used to explain theory and concepts to students in a more convincing manner.

In truth, animation is used in a variety of industries away from the big screen or consoles. Computer animation is a very practical tool with useful applications in a variety of fields. Let us take a look at some industries which use animation, but are not related to the media & entertainment sectors.

Medical Animation:

A medical animation is a short educational film, usually based around a physiological or surgical topic, rendered using 3D computer graphics. While it may be intended for a variety of audiences, medical animation is most commonly utilized as an instructional tool for medical professionals or their patients.


Architecture Visualisation:

Architectural Animation is a short architectural movie created on a computer. A computer-generated building is created along with landscaping and sometimes moving people & vehicles.


Mechanical Animation:

Using computer modelling and animation to create virtual models of products and mechanical designs can save companies thousands to millions of dollars, by cutting down on development costs. Working in a virtual world can let developers eliminate a lot of problems that would normally require extensive physical test models & experimentation.


Forensic Animation:

Forensic animation is a branch of forensics in which animated recreation of incidents are created to aid investigators & help solve cases. Examples include the use of computer animation, stills, and other audio visual aids. Check out this video to understand how animation helps forensic experts.


Animation in Education:

Animation has recently become a popular tool in classroom teaching and learning. The book, Learning with Animation (2007), notes that the use of animation can actually increase interest & motivation in learning.

Many companies & production houses have started producing training content in the form of animation. As the training & education industry is massive and the content delivered is huge, there is a great demand for content taught with the help of animation.



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