Conclusion Future direction


Animation, which is basically a form of pictorial presentation, has become the most prominent feature of technology-based learning environments. Animation refers to simulated motion pictures showing movement of drawn objects. Educational animation is one of the most elegant tools for presenting materials for learners. Its significance in helping learners to understand and remember information has greatly increased since the advent of powerful graphics-oriented computers. It may be very useful for learning about some topics in the natural sciences, where educational modelling and preparing materials convenient for learning can reduce the time required in class and increase the efficiency of the educational process. On the other hand, English language and literature can benefit from the possibility of creating animated multimedia books. By utilising animation, students develop skill competencies in visual communication, storytelling, observation and sensory aspects, problem-solving and innovative aspects, e.g., concentration, as well as cognition, ethics and aesthetics. Our future work aims to establish an inter-disciplinary field of research looking into greater educational effectiveness. With today’s high educational demands, traditional educational methods have shown deficiencies in keeping up with the drastic changes observed in the digital era. Without taking into account many significant factors, educational animation materials may turn out to be insufficient for learners or fail to meet their needs. However, the applications of animation and ergonomics to education have been given inadequate attention, and students’ different temperaments (sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic, etc.) have not been taken into account. We suggest there is an interesting relationship here. We shall propose essential factors in creating educational animations. The fundamentals of design are divided into design principles (alignment, balance, emphasis, unity, proximity, rhythm) and design elements (colour, line, shape, space, texture, value). Using these fundamentals and forming sequences of images to create an illusion of aesthetic movement, i.e., movement of objects along aesthetic paths drawn by so-called fair curves (class A Brazier curves, pseudo spirals, super spirals, quadratic Brazier curves with monotonic curvature function, Pythagorean holograph spirals), we intend to create educational materials considering different types of student temperament and preferences. To give an ideal model of educational animations, in this study we use design and animation software such as Corel Draw Graphics Suite X6 and Tombstone. Correlated Graphics Suite X6 is broad software for graphic design, page layout and picture editing. Toon Boom is the leading international developer of digital content and animation software solutions, providing the most cohesive and state-of-the-art tool sets available today. It serves educators at all levels searching for ways to integrate an art-based curriculum into their existing classroom environments. Educational materials designed using the above software increase literacy rates and facilitate the achievement of overall learning objectives. We believe that this study is likely to have wide benefits in the field of education. Designing educational materials with the aid of the mentioned software, while considering the types of temperament of students, is a really promising avenue to improve the learning process. Teachers will be able to feel more confident in the presentation of their lessons, in addition, they will become more competitive and professional.

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